Release Notes

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018


12/21/2023 12:00:00 AM


Improved Embed View page by linking to objects, as well as a section to show every embed object


Update ClientCode in Control to be limited to 25 characters like SiteCode
Fixed bug where presentation view columns wouldn't save
Fixed various discrepancies with Monthly Digest
Fixed bug where inactive instances were directing to error page when trying to reactivate
Fixed bug where emails weren't sending to the correct addresses
Fixed issue where note wouldn't save in some situations


11/28/2023 12:00:00 AM


Free tier users will now not receive
New API export for Common Approach platform
Notification icon for user account notifications displaying on the navbar
Instance admin can now see a user activity list for users on their instance
new column option to display percentage from target value


Improved the display of embedded Scorecards/Containers/Measures within frames or on smaller screens
Refer Clear Impact has been removed from instance admin menu to reduce clutter
Multiple improvements in Action details page
Aggregate percentages will now dispaly average instead of sum
Changed the labels for multiple menu items for clarity


Fixed bug where number of logins in monthly digest was displaying incorrectly
Fixed bug where calculations weren't updating data in certain situations


10/12/2023 12:00:00 AM


New sections added to instance dashboard
 - Current year created
 - All children created
Upgrade button added for free tier by Variable menu item


Fixed issues where data wouldn't display in calculated measures
Fixed bug where duplicate time periods would display
Purchase button still showing in subscription page in Control
Fixed bug where previous time periods wouldn't display in Scorecard view
Fixed error in Embed view
Fixed issue where columns were displaying different in Scorecard view vs embed view
Fixed bug where export download would fail for xml format


10/12/2023 12:00:00 AM


User Activity added to Edit User screen
Aggregate dropdown added to Measure graph


Visual improvements for Embed view


Fixed bug where updating a client in Control wasn't updating the client in Scorecard


9/18/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added report to show free tier -> paid clients
Embed branding features added
 - Logo at top (links to Scorecard info)
 - text blurb at bottom
 - button to copy link
Added page to edit disaggregated measures in bulk
Added functionality to calculate standard deviation
Added access permissions to edit graph settings


Embed views redone to match 7.0 user experience


Fixed bug where some legacy clients couldn't add measures
Fixed bug where Consultants page link wasn't working
Fixed bug where values in the demo scorecard were duplicated when creating a new instance
Fixed bug where accountability score wouldn't show on PDF
Fixed bug where font size overwrite wouldn't work for note tables in PDFs
Fixed manual target tooltip video link
Fixed issue where comparee measure section doesn't auto refresh after removing a measure
Fixed bug where data wouldn't update in scorecard page after "add data values" feature was used
Fix issue where measures wouldn't calculate in some Scorecards


8/24/2023 12:00:00 AM


Customer dashboard is now viewable to instance admins
Customer dashboard now has a measure tracking indicator bar
Customers will now be notified via email when they are close to their measure limit
Added functionality to create a new Variable measure from within a measure


Graph will now refresh with show comparison button when "measures to compare on graph" are added


Fixed bug where images would not display in embed under certain conditions
Fixed bug where users could edit data when the measure is in a locked scorecard with data entry disabled
Fixed bug where Gantt chart would overlap filters section when accessed from the Scorecard view
Fixed bug with measure calculation when calculate as null is used
Fixed error when accessing column settings
Fixed bug with hide tag option missing when embed is disabled
Fixed bug where referral button would dispaly incorrectly in partner connect page


8/10/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added ability to toggle tag visibility on scorecard pages
Added the ability to show Variable measures in comparison charts
Added functionality to allow users to specify if they want null values calculated as zero or not


Sorted multi instance management list alphabetically


Fixed font size for bulleted/numbered lists not working when overwriting font size for pdf generation


7/27/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added feature to click on note image on Measure Details page to display in separate modal


Improved text readability in measure notes on Scorecard details page
Embed Views page will now display top 25 viewed objects rather than 10
Improved performance for adding users to Compyle from Control


Fixed issue where image upload in CK Editor would time out and fail
Fixed bug where adding a new measure type was failing


7/13/2023 12:00:00 AM


Updated Compyle subscription limit to 10 for free tier sites
Added tooltip to color band switch label to let users know that a target value is required
Measure Variable type added to support disaggregated measure creation
Refferal button added to Scorecard and Control in multiple places


Fixed issue where report wouldn't run from report folder
Fixed issue with duplicate time periods
Fixed issue where actual values were displaying as currency in report viewer
Fixed issue where images weren't displaying correctly in measure notes
Fixed issue where current trend/baseline change arrows weren't pointing the correct direction
Fixed issue where creating a child instance wasn't working


6/22/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added clarification for color bands requiring target values


Fixed bug where duplicates were displaying in color bands
Fixed bug where calculations were not updating correctly in measures
Fixed bug where user was able to unassign themselves from a scorecard they created
Fixed various javascript vulnerabilities
Fixed user enumeration vulnerability
Fixed html injection vulnerability
Fixed cross site scripting vulnerability
Fixed bug where create child site wasn't working correctly in Control


6/9/2023 12:00:00 AM

This is the update where Scorecard 6.0 was made unavailable to users


Added new reporting tool for Scorecard 7
Added monthly digest email for all active Scorecard users
Added "assigned by" section for Actions
Added option to hide report types in reporing tool
Added Created By filter in Action search


Improved Scorecard details page font size and spacing to closer resemble Scorecard 6 sizing
Improved PDF generation to be more readable


Fixed bug where the "no results" message wasn't showing correctly in index pages
Fixed bug where "disconnected" filter wasn't being applied in object searches


5/25/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added feature where users are able download PDF from embed 
Added ability to download files from shared Scorecards or Measures
Added "select all" option to file attachment section for easier downloading


Fixed calculation issue with a calendar with duplicate time periods
Fixed issue where measure definition isn't showing on an embed
Fixed bug where bar chart labels and data values aren't showing in embed view
Fixed issue where impact and engagement score on index page isn't matching what's shown within the Scorecard
Fixed bug where tooltips aren't displaying in embed settings


5/15/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added upgade icons next to paid options for free tier accounts


Improved user account creation


Fixed bug where color band was turning off when editing a measure
Fixed bug where some calculations aren't returning data
Fixed bug where added users from other instances were unable to access new instance
Fixed bug where data table would sometimes not display when being loaded in a modal


4/28/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added page in admin menu where clients can track how many views each of their embed pages get
Changed "Contact Support" to email billing rather than support for free tier accounts
Added upgrade button on top nav bar for free tier accounts
Added upgade icons next to paid options for free tier accounts
Added shared measures to measure search for partner connect sites


Fixed bug where custom calculations weren't returning data
Fixed bug where users couldn't reorder measures in container


4/18/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added Clear Impact data migration template to template library


Fixed issue where embed scorecards weren't showing updated data
Fixed bug where setting min/max y values weren't working on comparison chart


3/31/2023 12:00:00 AM


Added API functionality for JSON LD
Added functionality in Control for Global admins to create a Compyle instance
Added partner connect link to header bar menu (gear icon)


Improved security of remote server
Much improved loading speed on the edit page for large scorecards


Fixed issue where empty time periods are added to measure which ruin some calculations
Fixed an issue where correct dates wouldn't show for measures in some scorecards


3/16/2023 12:00:00 AM


Scorecard tiles view can now show 12 months


Improved performance in delete scorecard completely


Fixed bug where measure removal would fail if there were too many color bands
Fixed bug where tag list wasn't showing in copy container
Fixed text issue when you copy scorecard with '&' in title
Fixed bug with instance deactivation
Fixed issue where duplicate calendars would show up
Fixed issue where duplicate custom reporting frequencies would show up


3/6/2023 12:00:00 AM


Fixed bug where users could not see Strategy map view
Fixed link in the welcome email going to an incorrect version of the application
Fixed bug where measure titles could overlap data values in Scorecard view
Fixed bug where labels would sometimes show in comparison graph even when disabled


2/17/2023 12:00:00 AM


Fixed bug where value was showing in the wrong color band
Fixed error caused by saving favorite measures
Fixed bug where images won't show correctly in the Scorecard description field
Fixed error where measure header wouldn't save correctly
Fixed bug where scorecards wouldn't show in the recent scorecard dropdown for some users
Fixed save container error
Fixed gantt chart PDF not rendering correctly
Fixed error caused by copy to client in some situations
Fixed error in delete measure function


2/3/2023 12:00:00 AM


Fixed bug where graph was not displaying when exporting a measure as a Word document
Fixed issue with PDF title overlapping into data columns
Fixed error message displaying incorrectly when user with insufficient access attempts to load scorecard from favorites menu
Fixed incorrect actual value showing in container
Fixed bug where multi-instance admin couldn't copy scorecard to another instance
Fixed an error caused by certain data values in Scorecard details page
Fixed bug where Ratiox100 calculation wasn't working correctly


1/20/2023 12:00:00 AM


Each instance is now created with an API key
Object types page now has a custom color selector when editing a type
Hubspot API is now being accessed as a private application using oauth bearer token
HandsOnTable (data entry section for measures) is now updated to the latest version and fixed multiple issues including:
 - double clicking a cell now properly edits
 - cell selecting is now consistent
 - visual changes


Fixed timeout from getting Scorecard score for some instances
Fixed error with adding or renaming uploaded files
Fixed issue where the user was able to click save multiple times when creating a new action
Fixed error with some instances when going to the tiles view
Fixed error when saving/creating container
Fixed error when deleting note type
Fixed error when saving from the drilldown view
Fixed error in new instance creation process
Fixed error in drilldown pages
Fixed spacing in Scorecard page actual values to be more readable
Fixed issue where users were faced with a measure limitation even on user-based instances
Fixed issue where removed scorecards would still show in favorites list
Fixed issue with delete button in notes not working
Fixed issue where measure comparees or disaggregated measures would lose some functions if their titles were too long
Fixed error where notes could get duplicated many times


1/6/2023 12:00:00 AM


Improved Scorecard details page loading speed


Fixed bug where new user creation would time out
Fixed Scorecard history dropdown not being populated
Fixed error when uploading a file
Fixed bug where user isn't able to delete past or future measure values
Fixed error where PDF creation wasn't working properly
Fixed bug with saving sort order


1/3/2023 12:00:00 AM


Measure definition will now get copied from copy scorecard


Changed tag colors for shared measures


Fixed bug when adding or renaming files
Fixed bug when attempting to add past/future values with incompatible characters
Fixed error with saving containers
Fixed bug where admins are allowed to create a user from an existing email address
Fixed saving bug when attempting to change measure header

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Values Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy