Release Notes

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018


2/4/2025 12:00:00 AM


Release Notes 2/4

  • New Added "Grouped Comparison" Option to Graph Options
    • What is it? A "Grouped Comparison" view is now available for graphs in parent measures with disaggregated measures. The grouped summary shows the graph data grouped by measure and showing the various time periods collected for each measure in a grouped display. The "Grouped Comparison" view also provides a data grid which shows the data collected for each measure and period. This view provides users with a high-level snapshot of the data collected for the parent and disaggregated measures without the graph displaying the data over a longer timeline.
      • In order to access the Grouped Comparison option, users can click the "Comparison" button displaying above the graph and then select "Grouped Comparison"
      • When viewing the Group Comparison, users can utilize the page icon in the upper right corner of the Group Comparison view to export the graph or data through multiple format options. 
  • New Added Function to Export All Scorecard Objects in One Excel Tab to Scorecard
    • What is it? Users can now utilize the option of "Export File - One Tab" to export an entire scorecard into one tab on an excel file creating a file that the end user can use to sort and apply filters to analyze all of the data collected for a scorecard. This function provides an alternative to the available option of "Export File -Multiple Tabs" which creates a separate tab for each measure in the scorecard in the exported excel file.
      • In order to access the "Export File - One Tab" option users can click on the "Export" button in the upper right side of the scorecard view and select the "Export File - One Tab" option
  • New Allow Measure to Display Comparison Data without Requiring Calculation or Data Set in Parent Measure
    • What is it? Users can now add measures to the Measure to Compare on Graph section of a parent measure and see a comparison view of the data within the graph without having to add a set of data or calculation to the parent measure. This functionality provides users greater flexibility in setting up comparison views for various measures.
      • To set up a comparison in a parent measure, the user will first go into a measure with no data or create a new measure that does not have any data
      • The user will click the "+ Existing Measure" option to search for and add measures to the "Measures to Compare on Graph" section of the parent measure
      • The user will need to set the "Relationship" option in the measure search box to "Comparee"
      • Once the user clicks "Add" the child measures will be added to the "Measures to Compare on Graph" section of the parent measure.
      • In order for the graph to display the measures added to the "Measures to Compare on Graph" section, the users will need to go into the Graph Settings and set the "Display Comparison" to "On"
      • Once the "Display Comparison" setting is set to "On" the graph will load and all measures added to the "Measures to Compare on Graph" section will display in the parent measure graph.
  • New Updated Scorecard Embed View
    • What is it? The Scorecard embed view has been updated on the front end and back end so that it now reflects the streamlined UI and new enhancements recently added to the in-product scorecard view. The scorecard embed view has been enhanced through the following improvements:
      •  Added functionality to allow container headers to span across container width for containers with no measures
      • Made scorecard description collapsible in embed
      •  Updating Bootstrap version for embed
      •  Moved scorecard embed page CSS to Flexbox to allow for responsive design making viewing embedded scorecards on mobile devices a more seamless experience.


  • Fixed Variable Measure Header Hidden Behind Scorecard Header
    • Variable measures headers are now displaying as expected
  • Fixed Column Header Tool Help Text Not Displaying in Embedded Scorecard View
    • Column header tool tips are now displaying as expected in the embed view when users click on the column header.


1/16/2025 12:00:00 AM


  • New Added Option to Scorecard Embed Settings to Hide Tags in Embed View

What is it? Users that do not want measure or container tags to display in the scorecard embed view, now have an option to "Hide Tag" are available in the embed setting section of any specific scorecard. 

    • When user switches the "Hide Tags" setting to "On" then embed does not show container and measure tags in the embed view
      • Example Scorecard Embed Settings in Edit Mode
  • New Made "Hide Inactive Users" in User List On by Default
What is it? Users accessing the User list in scorecard sometimes become confused or frustrated when they see inactive users still displaying in the User list. "Hide Inactive" is now on by default so that users will see only Active accounts in the User list in Scorecard and can see inactive by clicking the "Hide Inactive" setting to "Off".
  • New Changed Aggregate Graph Setting to Only Show the Most Aggregated Value for a Year for Measure with Accumulated YTD Calculations
What is it? The aggregate option available in measure graphs was inaccurately calculating the aggregated annual value when measures were set to a calculation types of Accumulated YTD Sum or Accumulated YTD Average
  • When a user is in a measure with an accumulated YTD calculation, the "Aggregate" graph dropdown will show Option "Show Only Aggregates" to the end user. If the user switches to the graph to the "Show Only Aggregates" setting then the user will see the "Reset" option under the "Aggregate" dropdown
  • New Scorecard VPAT Remediation: Browser Zoom and Keyboard
    • Issues Addressed


[Global] Sublinks present inside hamburger menu truncated at 200% browser zoom.


[Global] Sublinks present inside hamburger menu truncated at 400% browser zoom.

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[Global] At 200% browser zoom both horizontal and vertical bars appear.

Community School Aged

[Global] At 400% browser zoom both horizontal and vertical bars appear.

Community School Aged

Page content truncated at 400% browser zoom.



  • Fixed Embedded Measure Graphs Not Loading 
    • Embedded measure graphs are rendering and displaying as expected in the embedded view
  • Fixed Update Create New Client to Connect to New Chargify Product Catalog
    • Instances created by global admin from Control now sync to Chargify as expected
  • Fixed Error Occurring in Instance when User Accesses Billing > Subscriptions > Products > View
    • Error has been resolved and users can now access subscription and billing info as expected
  • Fixed  Large Scorecards not Producing PDF when Slider Set to Expanded View
    • Large Scorecards are now producing PDF with an indicator message that letting them know the scorecard PDF download is being prepared and will download once ready

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Values Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy