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Objective 2.1.1: Ensure infants born who are served by the Black Infant Health (BIH) Program will have positive health outcomes and 1 more... less...

Health Equity Focus Objectives 88 percent of infants will have a normal birth weight (at least 2,500 grams) (Enter Data and Commentary)

Current Value


FYQ4 2022


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Comments on performance

In FY 2021-22, 93.9% of infants (62 of 66) born in the BIH Program had normal birthweight (at least 2,500 grams), meeting the 88% target.

Story Behind the Curve

Positive Factors (Factors pushing the trend up)
- Increased maternal education levels
- Increased insurance coverage
- BIH Group and Case Management
- COVID causing people to change lifestyle, seek self-care, mental health, health services
- National events increased societal awareness of racism
- Increased awareness of perinatal health disparities through media campaigns
Negative factors (Factors pushing the trend down)
- Systemic racism
- Bias in healthcare system
- Stress
- Social determinants of health
- Health education
- Access to quality healthcare (pre-/interconception care and prenatal care)
Factors creating disparities
- Systemic racism
- Economic disparities
- Access to healthcare
Priority Factors
- Systemic racism
- Social determinants of health   


Partners that can help you turn the curve
- BIH and Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) subcontractors
- Public Health Services and Officer and Board of Supervisors
- California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Division
- BIH and PEI Advisory Boards and Subcommittees
- MCAH Family Support Collaborative
- San Diego County MCAH Programs
- Perinatal providers
- Other partners

What Works

Potential strategies to address the priority factors 
- BIH Group and Case Management approach models
- Online presence
- Education
- Implicit bias trainings
- Policies and legislation
- Collective power of partnerships and collaboration


Potential strategies to address the priority factors 

Strategies to reduce racial disparities Organization(s) Responsible
Prenatal Group or Case Management sessions in culturally supportive environment BIH (County and contractors)
Life planning sessions that include how to have a healthy baby BIH (County and contractors)
Strengthen family and social supports BIH and PEI (County and contractors) 
Increase awareness of perinatal health disparities through public awareness campaigns BIH and PEI (County and contractors)
Collaborate and leverage collective impact of MCH programs BIH, PEI, and MCAH Family Support Collaborative 
Provide implicit bias training to healthcare providers County and contractors
Educate women on pre-/interconception pregnancy-spacing BIH (County and contractors)
Connect women to health insurance and providers BIH (County and contractors)
Childcare and transportation for medical appointments BIH (County and contractors)

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