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Overdose and Suicide Fatality Review (OFR)

What We Do

The Ohio Revised Code (ORC) formally enacted suicide and overdose fatality review committees effective September 30th, 2021.  Annual reporting of this data to ODH is now required.  The ZMCHD compiles data on the county's overdose and suicide deaths and presents the aggregated data to a board of representatives from local agencies on a quarterly basis.  The multidisiplinary team of experts looks for patterns in this data to aid in filling gaps in current programming, recommend policy changes, and improve communication and collaboration between agencies to prevent deaths due to overdose and/or suicide.  More information can be found on the following websites:

Fatality Reviews | Ohio Department of Health

Section 307.631 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio LawsSection 307.641 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio LawsSection 307.6410 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws

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